How to dye Barbie's hair and remove stains from the face
I wanted to make 'Shimmer & Shine' Barbie dolls for my niece, and for that I needed a pink and blue haired dolls. I know you can buy those, but I had seen people dye their doll hairs so I went to Value Village and got two Barbie dolls for few dollars.
The pink doll already had 80% pink hair, with blond high lights. I tried to dye the rest of the hair pink, using acrylic paint, but it didn't stay as vibrant after the wash. But my niece was happy with the slightly tinted hair, so I left it as it is.
The blue turned out to be a bigger problem. The acrylic paint just tinted the hair pale green (like she would have been at the swimming pool too long). Then I tried fabric paint (just from the craft store). No change.
I had seen a youtube video on how to colour the hair using a Sharpie pen, but that seemed too labour intensive, so I decided to try liquid fabric dye (Rit). I used the one for synthetic fabrics. I did cover the face with masking tape, but I think it might have been better not to cover the face, and wipe the face when ever the dye got to her face. Now the masking tape got soaked in the dye, and allowed the dye to sit on the face several minutes.
So, the hair turned out fine, but the forehead turned blue in the process. So off to google to find out how to remove the stains. I tried nail polish - no change. I tried rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl alcohol) - no change. Then I read about Acne treatment option. The one they had used was 10% Benzoyl Peroxide, but the only ones I was able to find (in Canada) were 5% (I even asked the pharmacy). So I figured it should work, but maybe need multiple treatments.
It took me 4 treatments. I applied the lotion on the forehead, covered it with cling wrap, heated it with hairdryer and placed it under a desk lamp for the day or overnight. I wiped of the ointment, and reapplied. The face still has a hint of blue on it, but it is barely visible. As you can see, the hair is more vibrant in this picture, compared to the one above. I did do several strikes with Sharpie, and blended the colour with a Q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol. The hair was super bright, but once I rinsed it with fabric softener, it turned out perfect.
Here is a little video tutorial on the process also
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